Monday, October 15, 2007


I just got back from Kendo, which is a great deal of fun and puts me in a good mood. It's helpful because there's Japanese involved, for example the parts of the body you strike are said in Japanese, and you have to name them when you strike. So めん is Head!
So, as promised, a Kanji update!
I'll start with saying I was browsing Youtube and I found an interesting little video on tips for learning Japanese! ( There's a Part II as well. If you're just interested in the Kanji, she talks about a few books one of which is Pict-o-Graphix by Micheal Rowling, which I think さとうせんせい put up in a post. It basically helps you learn them by making pictures of them or the like. She talks about a bunch of other stuff too so I recommend you take the 5-10 minutes to have a look.
She said it's helpful to pick up manga, with the kanji in furigana so that you can improve your reading speed, it's true you'll have no idea what you're reading but in just practicing with reading the hiragana you'll be able to read faster, as naturally as you do english at some point, ya know?

Japanese Chat last Friday was a lot of fun! (If you look in the pictures posted, you can see the back of me in my hat!) We sang the Usagi song, and shame on all of you who didn't go.
After the Chat there was the JET information session. I had to go to work so I couldn't stay, but it was a popular topic among people there, so I'm wondering if I should give it some more consideration. Previously I wasn't really interested, I felt that learning Japanese was more important to me than teaching English, and being in a foreign country without being fluent sounds scary to me...but it's that kind of immersion study that really improves your speaking, ya know? I'll have to think some more on it.

Ah...I'm not entirely happy with the test today, I wasn't as sure of myself as on the last one, but in the past my feelings regarding a test after I've taken it can be completely off. But I was completely freaking out toward the end when the phone number came up and for the life of me I couldn't remember the hiragana Ro in ろく . So I left that part blank and went ahead, hoping it would come back to me or it would show up in other questions. It took going over the first part of the test and seeing る to remind me. I hate it when that happens!

And before I ramble more, I leave you!


Unknown said...

しょうがっこう(elementary school)でわたしもけんどうをしました。

Did you contact people who are interested in かんじ yet?

Kate S said...

that's a good idea!!!! - getting manga with hiragana over the japanese bookstores in NYC sell that kind? I haven't read manga in years but I really need to increase my hiragana reading speed... It's sad how slow I am :(. たいへんですね。。。I feel like I'm way faster at writing it than reading it, so strange.

アリス said...

What exactly is kendo? I know it involves swords... and I know I could look it up... but you should tell us more! It would be a good thing to write about in your blog. Are you using it to fulfill your PE requirement?