Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Weekly Update

It's funny, whenever I plan a weekend to be full of work I end up getting distracted...
But in this instance on Saturday I met with a Japanese friend to fill out my Anthropology Kinship chart assignment. So I got a pretty good lesson on family terms in Japanese, as well as Palestinian but that's a side note. After that we ended up going to Book Off, a Japanese Used Bookstore. I had been to Kinokuniya this past summer so I was excited to take a look at this place. Unfortunately most of the books in the store were in Japanese, to be expected really. But I had gone hoping to find a book on Kanji instruction. I ended up browsing the English section, there were a lot of neat translations...I wanted to buy Kokoro (Pretty sure that was the title.), but I don't really have time to read for pleasure these days...
Anyway the language instruction books were all romaji, so of no help T_T. But, I did some reading on Kansai, one of the dialects or accents for Western Japan. I was interested because I want to study abroad in Kyoto and I thought I should learn about how they speak there. Afterward my friend told me that the difference was noticeable but not one that couldn't be understood. I think I'll take the search for independent Kanji learning more proactively frome here on out, so look foward to it!
I did teach myself nani. Because it showed up in the textbook, ha ha.


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