Sunday, October 21, 2007


こんばんわ!Let's see, let's see...I ended up asking one of the fellows I met at Chat club about Kanji and he agreed to help me out in exchange for helping him with English, so he helped me pick out a practice book to buy and then went through some with me. So I'm working on the numbers and a couple of others now, I'm thinking I'll ask him about the ones I know the hiragana for, like the stuff we've actually been learning in class (わたし、からきました、いしょうに、いまなんじ、etc).
I watched Battle Royale today, it was a pretty freaky movie...but I'm glad I can say I've seen it now.
And I'm really psyched for Tsukimi! Hope to see you all there!


Yan said...

Julio san は いいくださいです!

Kanji は むすかしくないです。

らいねん 日本語は やさしいです。 

Kate S said...

yay! did you have fun at tsukimi? I hope you got there before the food ran out and we had to turn people away... we weren't expecting that many people to come... たいへんでした!

Yan said...

Julio san、漢字はどうですか。

なずきあん said...

休み(やすみ)は いいですね。。。

あしたは 水ようび、クラスであいましょう。
